Delilah Abrego
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Integrated Reading & Writing |
dpabrego@swtjc.edu |
Ana S. Acevedo
Adjunct Instructor - Spanish |
asacevedo@swtjc.edu |
Valerie Acuna-Ruiz
English |
English Instructor |
vmacunaruiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7222
Adan Alaniz, Jr.
Information Technology |
Information Technology Systems Administrator |
aalaniz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7387
Leighla Alarcon
Student Services |
Teller / Receptionist |
llalarcon@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1558
Tot L. Albro
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
tlalbro@swtjc.edu |
David Alcala
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
dalcala@swtjc.edu |
(830) 334-8011 ext. 2113
Julia C. Alderete
Adjunct Instructor - Management & Business |
jcalderete@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Esteban C. Alejandro
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business |
ecalejandro38786@swtjc.edu |
Manuel C. Alejandro
Business |
Business & Computer Science Professor |
mcalejandro@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7212
Nikol Alejandro
Developmental Studies and Education |
Mathematics Instructor |
nalejandro14869@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7301
Samantha D. Alfaro
Success Coach |
Success Coach |
sdalfaro@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4104
Ryan Alldritt
Strategic Innovation & Research |
Research Analyst, Strategic Innovation & Research |
rjalldritt@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7336
Chelsea K. Allen
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
ckallen@swtjc.edu |
Deanna J. Allen
Integrated Reading and Writing |
Reading Instructor |
djallen@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5077
Janeshka Almaguer
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
jcalmaguer2@swtjc.edu |
Joe David Almand
Physical Education |
Rodeo Coach |
jdalmand@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7232
Jose (Joey) Almaraz
Information Technology |
Information Technology Service Desk Technician |
jlalmaraz2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2929
Veronica Alva-Rodriguez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
valva-rodriguez@swtjc.edu |
Darian Renae Alvarado
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Physical Education |
drtorres37213@swtjc.edu |
Diana C. Alvarado
Adult Education & Literacy |
Adult Education & Literacy ELC Director |
dcalvarado@swtjc.edu |
(830) 752-1761
Melissa Alvarado
Librarian |
Librarian II - Crystal City |
maalvarado17629@swtjc.edu |
(830) 374-2828
Elias X. Alvarez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
exalvarez@swtjc.edu |
Isabel C. Alvarez
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
icalvarez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7219
Russell Alvarez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Automotive Technology |
ralvarez43864@swtjc.edu |
Alejo Alvizo, Jr.
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Construction Carpentry |
aalvizo53266@swtjc.edu |
Norma L. Anderson
Registrar/Admissions |
Admissions/Records Clerk |
nlanderson@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7345
Delia Aviles
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Caregiver |
daviles@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Juan (John) O. Aviles
Technical Studies |
Automotive Technology Instructor |
joaviles@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4161
Leopoldo Aviles, IV
Food Services |
Food Services Cafeteria Logistics Facilitator |
liaviles@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7243
Denise Ayala
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
dayala52848@swtjc.edu |
Jose Luis Ayala
Maintenance |
Custodian / Grounds Keeper |
jlayala@swtjc.edu |
Kathryn M. Ayala
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Psychology |
ksayala@swtjc.edu |
Dr. Robert Ayala
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
rayala13938@swtjc.edu |
Dorylee E. Baez-Nieves
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Transfer and Career |
debaez-nieves@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4102
Margo F. Baker
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
mfbaker@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Rodolfo Ballesteros
Workforce |
Workforce Training & Development Powerline Technician Instructor |
rmballesteros17734@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4124
Norma A. Barbosa
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Criminal Justice |
nabarbosa@swtjc.edu |
Twila Barnett
Business |
Management Department Coordinator - Accounting / Economics Instructor |
tbarnett@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1573
Irene Barrera
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
ivasquez22562@swtjc.edu |
Jordanne Bausinger
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Music |
jbausinger@swtjc.edu |
Tina M. Bausinger
Adjunct Instructor |
Dual Credit Adjunct Instructor - English |
tmbausinger@swtjc.edu |
Warren Beard
Technical Studies |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding |
wbeard@swtjc.edu |
(830) 988-2475
Carlos D. Bernal
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding |
cdbernal@swtjc.edu |
Frederick E. Berner
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
feberner@swtjc.edu |
Glenda C. Berrones
Arts |
Art Instructor |
gcberrones@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4180
Gilbert Betancourt
Student Services |
TRiO Upward Bound Project Advisor |
gjbetancourt@swtjc.edu |
(830) 374-2341 ext. 238
Cesandari Binion
Strategic Innovation & Research |
Assessment Specialist, Strategic Innovation & Research |
cbinion@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7221
David Bixler
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Physics |
dlbixler@swtjc.edu |
Charles Black
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
chblack2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
Joseph Wayne Bonds
Maintenance |
Electrician / Journeyman |
jbond@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Phillip Botello
Director |
Director of Recruitment / Marketing / Residence Life - Dorm Coordinator |
pbotello@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7284
Charles W. Bowen, II
History |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Government & History |
cwbowenii@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Marvin (Dewayne) Boyles
Student Services |
Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) Education Specialist |
mdboyles@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7349
John C. Branum
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
jcbranum@swtjc.edu |
(830) 876-9393 ext. 4310
Carol Brewer
Adjunct Instructor - Medical Assistant (MDCA) |
cbrewer@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
Mike G. Bridges
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Aviation Maintenance Technology |
mgbridges@swtjc.edu |
Vanessa Ramos Briones
Human Services |
Coordinator of Cosmetology/Instructor |
vrbriones@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7249
Richard R. Briseno
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing Instructor |
rrbriseno@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7384
Amie Brooks
Adult Education & Literacy |
Adult Education & Literacy Instruction and Curriculum Lead |
adbrooks@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1586
Dr. Travis J. Brown
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
tjbrown@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Caitlin Bruseth
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
ccbruseth@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Connie W. Buchanan
Vice President |
Vice President, Del Rio / Accounting Professor |
cwbuchanan@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1555
Bernard M. Bujard
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Chemistry |
bmbujard@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
David Burchfield
Mathematics |
Mathematics Instructor |
drburchfield@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7238
Dr. Mitchel T. Burchfield
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
mtburchfield@swtjc.edu |
Laura Bustillos
Information Technology |
Information Technology Service Desk Technician - Del Rio |
llbustillos@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1500
Victor Caballero
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Diesel Technology Instructor |
vcaballero36832@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5075
Ninfa Cadena
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Business Management |
nmcadena@swtjc.edu |
830-374-2341 ext. 239
Janna E. Calk
Nursing |
Associate Degree in Nursing Instructor |
jecalk@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1503
Jimmy W. Calliham
Police Officer |
Chief of Police |
jwcalliham@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7333
Brandy L. Callis
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
blcallis@swtjc.edu |
(830) 334-8001
Angelica Camarillo
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
alcamarillo@swtjc.edu |
Jennifer Campos
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
jrcampos@swtjc.edu |
Antonio A. Canales
History |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
aacanales49949@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Brenda M. Cantu
Director |
Director of Libraries |
bmcantu@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7252
Jose Cantu
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
jcantu41935@swtjc.edu |
(830) 374-2828
Pablo Cantu
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
prcantu@swtjc.edu |
(830) 773-2381
Roberto Cantu
Developmental Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Developmental Mathematics |
rcantu@swtjc.edu |
Mario A. Cardenas
History |
History Instructor |
macardenas@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2939
Henry Cardona
Workforce |
Workforce Instructor |
hcardona17913@swtjc.edu |
Jerry D. Cardona
Information Technology |
Information Technology Software Developer |
jdcardona@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2928
Nichole Cardona
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
ncardona@swtjc.edu |
(830) 876-9393 ext. 4019
Wade B. Carpenter
Public Information |
Public Information Community Relations Specialist |
wbcarpenter@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7351
Julie L Carrillo
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Integrated Reading/Writing |
jlcarrillo@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4120
Ricardo S. Carrillo, Jr.
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Welding Instructor |
rscarrillo@swtjc.edu |
(830) 584-7031
Rubi M. Casarez
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Care Giver |
rmcasarez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Cynthia Casburn
Government |
Adjunct Instructor - Government |
ccasburn@swtjc.edu |
Rosa M. Casson
Finance (Institutional) |
Teller / Accounts Payable Clerk |
rmcasson@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7206
Manuel Castaneda
Arts |
Music Instructor |
mcastaneda526@swtjc.edu |
Anthony L. Castillo
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Music |
alcastillo50496@swtjc.edu |
(830) 277-1431
Cynthia Castillo
Nursing |
Associate Degree in Nursing Instructor |
cmcastillo1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7217
Juan Antonio Castillo
Maintenance |
Maintenance - Team Leader |
jacastillo17526@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Sabrina Castillo
Academic |
Instructional Technology Smart Classroom Aide - Del Rio |
scastillo2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1597
Maria Castillon
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
mrcastillon@swtjc.edu |
Jesus Castorena, III
Financial Aid |
Financial Aid Advisor |
jcastorena@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1579
Julio C. Castro
Coordinator |
Transportation Coordinator |
jccastro@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7207
Jose Cervantes, Jr.
Criminal Justice |
Law Enforcement Academy Instructor |
jmcervantes@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7248
Christine M. Chapoy
Director |
Director of Child Care Facility |
cmchapoy@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Richard Cisneros
Welding Instructor - Crystal City |
rcisneros3@swtjc.edu |
Judith Clardy
Communication |
Adjunct Instructor - Speech |
jaclardy@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Bonnie S. Clinebell Esquivel
Nursing |
Coordinator of Radiologic Technology/Assistant Professor |
bsclinebell@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7290
Sandra A. Colombo
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Transfer and Career |
sacolombo@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1580
Lorie R. Compton
Human Services |
Child Development Instructor |
lrcompton@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7224
Ana Lisa Conde
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Special Programs Lead |
analisamartinez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4152
David Conde
Director |
Senior Director of Enterprise Applications & Information Technology |
dconde@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7250
Antoinette Y. Conrad
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - EKG/Phlebotomy |
ayconrad@swtjc.edu |
Abraham Contreras
Student Services |
Student Rights and Responsibilities Administrator |
acontreras14168@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4157
Laura Contreras
Technician |
Printing Center Technician |
lacontreras3@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7265
Michael A. Cortez
Student Services |
Testing Center Specialist |
macortez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7358
Melinda P. Costilla
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
mcostilla40127@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4000
Richard H. Crawford
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
rhcrawford@swtjc.edu |
Paulo D. Criel
Information Technology |
Information Technology Service Desk Technician |
pdcriel@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2930
Teresa Crow
Coordinator |
VIDA Resource Center (VRC) Coordinator / Disability Support Services |
tmcrow@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7347
Christina Crowley
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
ccrowley@swtjc.edu |
Carin M. Cruz
Biology |
Biology Instructor |
cmcruz2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1553
Cynthia Cruz
Administrative Assistant |
Administrative Assistant, Workforce Training & Development |
cmcruz50118@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4124
Mario A. Cruz
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
macruz18183@swtjc.edu |
(830) 773-2381
Sonia D. Cruz
Nursing |
Associate Degree in Nursing Instructor |
sdcruz2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4139
Eduardo Cuellar
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Integrated Reading/Writing |
ecuellar14172@swtjc.edu |
Eunice Cuellar
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
ecuellar18196@swtjc.edu |
Jeanna M. Cuellar
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
jmcuellar@swtjc.edu |
James B. Dalrymple
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
jbdalrymple@swtjc.edu |
(830) 966-1928
Gabriela Solorio Davis
Academic |
Instructional Technology Smart Classroom Site Supervisor - Del Rio |
davisg@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1597
Richard A. Davis
Mathematics |
Mathematics Assistant Professor |
radavis@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7369
Adrian A. De Anda
Information Technology |
Information Technology Site Supervisor - Eagle Pass |
aadeanda@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4109
Eva K. De Anda
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Disability Support Services Lead |
ekdeanda@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1593
Jose L. De la Cruz
Maintenance |
Maintenance Worker |
jldelacruz2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Claudia Veronica De La Garza
Success Coach |
Success Coach |
cvdelagarza@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4142
Ruben De La Garza
Police Officer |
Campus Police Officer - Del Rio |
rdelagarza16441@swtjc.edu |
Jessica De la Luz
Human Services |
Cosmetology Instructor |
jcardona1609@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7322
Alva M. De Luna
Library |
Library Resource Technician - Eagle Pass |
amdeluna2012@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4107
Casie L. De Luna
Human Services |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Emergency Medical Services |
cldeluna@swtjc.edu |
Jose Angel De Luna
Academic |
Instructional Technology Smart Classroom Technician - Eagle Pass |
jadeluna18241@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5068
Juan Gabriel De Luna
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
jgdeluna@swtjc.edu |
Idalia DeLaCruz
Director |
Crystal City Campus Director |
idelacruz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 374-2828
Jose Juan DeLaGarza
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
jjdelagarza@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1558
James E. Delgado
Biology |
Biology Instructor |
jedelgado@swtjc.edu |
Manuel Delgado Gaona
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
mdelgadogaona@swtjc.edu |
Andrew M. Denny
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
amdenny@swtjc.edu |
(830) 6634416
Kerri E. Derry
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
kederry@swtjc.edu |
Genevieve DeWaal
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Biology |
gdewaal@swtjc.edu |
Beco Diaz
Criminal Justice |
Law Enforcement Academy Instructor |
bmdiaz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7314
Carlos A. Diaz
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
cadiaz@swtjc.edu |
Norma A. Diaz
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing Office Secretary |
nadiaz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5070
Jesus Diaz-Wever
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
jadiaz-wever@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4100
Jeannette Dickerson
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
jdickerson@swtjc.edu |
Daniel Dickson
Information Technology |
Information Technology Service Desk Manager |
djdickson@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2907
Kelly Douglas
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Spanish |
kadouglas@swtjc.edu |
Carmen Drinkard
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
cdrinkard@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814 ext. 3003
Maria Teresa Dube
Director |
Human Resources Director |
mtdube@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7330
Bruce William Dunfee
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Music |
bdunfee@swtjc.edu |
(830) 261-8067
Cristela Duran
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
cduran5@swtjc.edu |
Miranda B. Dvorak
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Psycholgy |
mbdvorak@swtjc.edu |
(830) 988-2475
Sandra N. Eddy
Adjunct Instructor - English |
sneddy@swtjc.edu |
(830) 426-3341
David Edwards
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
dedwards@swtjc.edu |
Janice Engbrock
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
jengbrock@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Lisa Darlene Ermis
Vice President |
Vice President, Finance |
ldermis@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2935
Dr. Aide Enriquez Escamilla
Division Chair |
Liberal Arts Division Chair |
aeescamilla@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7338
Vanessa M. Escamilla
Integrated Reading and Writing |
Adjunct Instructor - Reading & Writing |
vgescamilla@swtjc.edu |
(830) 486-9566
Dawnie Espinoza
Nursing |
Adjunct Instructor - CNA Instructor |
despinoza3@swtjc.edu |
Ramon (Mark) Espinoza
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business |
rmespinoza2@swtjc.edu |
Esequiel Esquivel
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Automotive Technology |
eesquivel15634@swtjc.edu |
Jonathan P. Esquivel
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Aviation Maintenance Technology |
jpesquivel@swtjc.edu |
Jose I. Esquivel
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
jiesquivel@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Jose M. Esquivel
Adjunct Instructor - Carpentry |
jmesquivel3@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4000
Judy F. Estrada
Division Chair |
Applied Sciences Division Chair |
jfestrada1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7288
Lilia J. Estrada
Maintenance |
Custodian |
ljestrada52940@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Dr. Randa Faseler Schell
Chief of Staff |
rschell@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7296
Catherine Feltner
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Patient Care Technician (PCT) |
cfeltner@swtjc.edu |
(830) 663-4416
Aleena Fernandez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
agfernandez2@swtjc.edu |
Bianca Fernandez
Clerk/Cashier |
Teller / Receptionist |
bgarza3@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1551
Heather Fernandez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Government |
hmaxwell@swtjc.edu |
(830) 426-3341
Jorge Romeo Fernandez
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
jrfernandez18506@swtjc.edu |
Sylvia G. Fernandez
Student Services |
Custodian / Garner Hall Dorm Supervisor |
sgfernandez28245@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Johnny J. Field
Criminal Justice |
Law Enforcement Academy Coordinator |
jjfield@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7201
Areli Fisher
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Special Programs |
afisher@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4167
Summerlynn Fitzpatrick
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Nurse Aide Instructor |
stfitzpatrick@swtjc.edu |
Jason C. Fleming
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding |
jcfleming@swtjc.edu |
Ramiro Lee Flores
Technical Studies |
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Instructor |
rlflores@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7363
Aldo Ray Flores
Director |
Surgical Technology Program Director |
arflores3914@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7289
Andrea Flores
Information Technology |
Information Technology Website Administrator |
webadmin@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7394
Brenda L. Flores
Adjunct Instructor - Integrated Reading & Writing |
floresb@swtjc.edu |
Denise Flores
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Provider |
dcoward@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Diana Flores
Food Services |
Cook |
dcflores2@swtjc.edu |
Elisa D. Flores
Food Services |
Food Services Kitchen Aid |
edflores2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7243
Eric Flores
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Government |
eflores55104@swtjc.edu |
Paul Flores
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
pdflores@swtjc.edu |
Roberta Flores
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Speech |
rflores18654@swtjc.edu |
Rosa D. Flores
Nursing |
Associate Degree in Nursing Instructor |
rdflores@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4134
Sandra Flores
Administrative Assistant |
Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice President of Student Services |
sflores2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7271
Susana Flores
Adult Education & Literacy |
Adult Education & Literacy Data Entry Specialist / Quality Assurance Lead |
sflores32326@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7385
Antonio Flores, Jr.
Workforce |
Workforce Training & Development Truck Driving Instructor |
aflores14927@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4124
Patricia Flores-Martinez
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
pflores1@swtjc.edu |
Kandace Floyd
English |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
kafloyd@swtjc.edu |
(830) 988-2472
Dr. Gabrielle M. Forbes
Biology |
Biology Associate Professor |
gforbes@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2941
Dr. Thomas David Forbes
Biology |
Biology Instructor |
tdforbes@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7310
Veronica A. Fosbenner
Nursing |
Administrative Assistant, Nursing |
vfosbenner@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7320
Landra L. Fowler
Physical Education |
Kinesiology Department Coordinator/Physical Education Assistant Professor |
llfowler@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7241
Robert C. Fowler
Communication |
Speech Assistant Professor |
rcfowler@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7211
Shaelyn Fowler
Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Psychology Instructor |
snfowler@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7305
Olivia R. Frausto
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Patient Care Technician (PCT) |
oramos2@swtjc.edu |
Ubil Frausto
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
ujfrausto@swtjc.edu |
(830) 757-2855
Diamantina Galindo
Nursing |
CNA Instructor |
ddgalindo@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4185
Ramiro Galindo
Maintenance |
Physical Plant Custodian |
rgalindo53160@swtjc.edu |
Jose Gallegos
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - English as a Second Language |
jagallegos23695@swtjc.edu |
Luis A. Gallegos
Business |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Business |
lagallegos@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4424
Monica G. Galvan
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
mggalvan@swtjc.edu |
Charles A. Garabedian
Dean |
Dean of Instructional Services and School District Partnerships / IREPO Project Director |
cagarabedian@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7262, (830) 703-1582
Larissa Garanzuay
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Accounting |
lgaranzuay29106@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4000 x2027
Dr. Amada A Garcia
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
aagarcia531@swtjc.edu |
Anavel Garcia
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Developmental Mathematics |
agarcia1734@swtjc.edu |
Daniel A. Garcia
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
dagarcia16232@swtjc.edu |
Debora V Garcia
Human Services |
Adjunct Instructor - Cosmetology |
dvgarcia@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1558
Dora L. Garcia
Library |
Library Resource Technician - Del Rio |
dlgarcia3@swtjc.edu |
Gerardo Garcia
Maintenance |
HVAC - Team Leader |
ggarcia@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Irma G. Garcia
Director |
Director of Business Office |
iggarcia@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7292
Jesus M. Garcia
Physical Sciences |
Chemistry Instructor |
jmgarcia534@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7278
Jose O. Garcia
Government |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Government |
jogarcia50020@swtjc.edu |
(830) 663-4416
Linda Catherine Garcia
Integrated Reading and Writing |
Adjunct Instructor - Integrated Reading & Writing |
lcgarcia@swtjc.edu |
(830) 757-0828 ext. 1413
Lizabel M. Garcia
Adult Education & Literacy |
Adult Education & Literacy Specialized Coordinator |
lmgarcia95@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7235
Martin R. Garcia
Maintenance |
Physical Plant Maintenance Custodian |
mrgarcia2@swtjc.edu |
Oscar G. Garcia
Director |
Adult Education & Literacy Program Director |
oggarcia@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7344
Patricia Garcia
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing & Associate Desgree in Nursing Instructor |
pgarcia10040@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7230
Stephanie R. Garcia
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Developmental Mathematics |
srgarcia21828@swtjc.edu |
Ileana Garcia-Williams
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
imgarcia-williams@swtjc.edu |
Steven L. Garner
Food Services |
Food Services Manager |
slgarner@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7239
Aimee E. Garza
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Patient Care Technician (PCT) |
agarza14193@swtjc.edu |
(830) 876-9393
Angelica (Angie) U. Garza
Administrative Assistant |
Administrative Assistant, Dean of Applied Sciences & Workforce Education / Dean of Liberal Arts & Adult Education and Literacy |
augarza2591@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4178
Celso C. Garza
History |
History Instructor |
ccgarza@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7307, (830) 703-1554
Cristobal Garza
Adjunct Instructor - Spanish |
cgarza14194@swtjc.edu |
Dana Garza
Purchasing |
Purchasing Agent |
dlgarza2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4171
Eloina Garza
Food Services |
Food Services Cook |
egarza29612@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7243
Javier Garza
Maintenance |
Physical Plant Maintenance Custodian |
jgarza37036@swtjc.edu |
Rebekah Ann Garza
Librarian |
Librarian I - Uvalde |
rgarza16733@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7210
Angelica M. Gaucin
Enterprise Applications |
Enterprise Applications - Applications Manager |
amgaucin@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2932
Anthony Gaucin
Student Services |
Testing Center Assistant |
amgaucin97@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2947
Oscar E. Gaytan
Mathematics |
Mathematics Instructor |
oegaytan@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1588
Gerald (Dale) Gear
Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice Instructor |
gdgear@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7331
Kristi N. Gerdes
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
kngerdes@swtjc.edu |
Laura Gloria
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Special Programs |
lgloria@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1556
Alejandro Gomez
Maintenance |
Maintenance Team Leader |
aagomez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Alyssa Gomez
Arts |
Music Instructor |
argomez2755@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7247
Jose E. Gomez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Chemistry |
jegomez14039@swtjc.edu |
Alyssa Gonzales
Enterprise Applications |
Enterprise Applications - LMS Administrator / Adjunct Instructor - Computer Science |
aagonzales23997@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7220
Clarisa Gonzales
Clerk/Cashier |
Crystal City Outreach Center Office Clerk |
czgonzales@swtjc.edu |
(830) 374-2828
Francisco (Frank) Gonzales
Information Technology |
Information Technology Network Engineer |
fgonzales@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7395
Frank M. Gonzales, III
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
fmgonzales@swtjc.edu |
(830) 363-7216
Dr. Hector E. Gonzales
President |
President |
hegonzales@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7281
Jaclyn J. Gonzales
Social Sciences |
Psychology Instructor |
jjgonzales1@swtjc.edu |
Juan M. Gonzales
Maintenance |
Grounds Keeper |
jmgonzales51391@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Lorena (Deserray) Gonzales
Registrar/Admissions |
Admissions Specialist - Dual Credit |
ldgonzales@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7342
Gilbert Gonzales, III
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Cybersecurity |
ggonzales14199@swtjc.edu |
Amy Gonzalez
Criminal Justice |
Law Enforcement Instructor |
argonzalez19329@swtjc.edu |
Ana Gonzalez
Administrative Assistant |
Administrative Assistant, Financial Aid |
agonzalez16396@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7343
Aracely Juanita Gonzalez
Administrative Assistant |
Administrative Assistant, Outreach |
jagloria@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4120
Bonita R. Gonzalez
English |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
brgonzalez56@swtjc.edu |
Carlos Gonzalez
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Welding Instructor |
cagonzalez@swtjc.edu |
Jose M. Gonzalez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Construction Carpentry |
jmgonzalez52702@swtjc.edu |
Juan Gonzalez
Physical Education |
Adjunct Instructor - Kinesiology |
jgonzalez4@swtjc.edu |
Juan R Gonzalez
Government |
Government Instructor |
jrgonzalez537@swtjc.edu |
Julio Gonzalez
Student Services |
Recruitment and Engagement Specialist |
jagonzalez2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1584
Luis O. Gonzalez
Coordinator |
Emergency Medical Technician Coordinator |
logonzalez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4137
Mayra A. Gonzalez
Coordinator |
Administrative Services Coordinator |
magonzalez1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4101
Priscilla Gonzalez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Speech |
pgonzalez1@swtjc.edu |
Veronica Gonzalez
Academic |
Instructional Technology Smart Classroom Aide - Uvalde |
vgonzalez6869@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4062
Stephanie Gray
Nursing |
Associate Degree in Nursing Instructor |
sgray2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5062
Tessa Gregory
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Speech |
tgregory@swtjc.edu |
Deesa Griggs
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
dgriggs@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Salyna Guanajuato
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business |
sguanajuato@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Kara D. Guerra
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
kdguerra@swtjc.edu |
(830) 232-5595
Laura Guerrero
Nursing |
Adjunct Instructor - Nurse Aide |
lguerrero@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300 Ext. 2955
Olivia L. Guerrero-Rish
Success Coach |
Success Coach |
olguerrero-rish@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7276
Mariza A. Guerrero-Sanchez
Developmental Studies and Education |
Adjunct Instructor - English as a Second Language |
mguerrero-sanchez@swtjc.edu |
Brandon E. Gurwell
Coordinator |
STEM Outreach Coordinator |
begurwell@swtjc.edu |
Landy Gurwell
Biology |
Biology Instructor |
lgurwell@swtjc.edu |
Robert E. Gurwell
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Philosophy |
regurwell@swtjc.edu |
Mariah M. Gutierrez
Maintenance |
Custodian |
mmgutierrez52468@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Vannesa Gutierrez
Student Services |
DHSI-VIDA Project Manager |
vgutierrez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7353
Rafael Gutierrez-Gonzalez
Maintenance |
Physical Plant Maintenance Custodian |
rgutierrez4@swtjc.edu |
Gabrielle Haby
Adjunct Instructor - Chemisty |
ghaby@swtjc.edu |
(830) 426-3341
Amanda M. Hadley
Director |
Director of Nursing |
amhadley@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7256
Philip E. Hadley
Director |
Director of Student and Community Outreach |
pehadley@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7311
Jeremiah M. Hale
Adjunct Instructor |
Dual Credit Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice |
jmhale53377@swtjc.edu |
Aubrey P. Haynes
Finance (Institutional) |
Controller |
aphaynes@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7294
Xaviera Ann Haynes
History |
Government / History Instructor / VIDA Project Director |
xhaynes@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7393
Alfredo G. Hernandez
Food Services |
Food Services Cashier |
aghernandez12@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7243
Angelica Hernandez
Clerk/Cashier |
Welcome Front Desk Clerk |
amhernandez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7200
Bryan Hernandez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - EDUC |
bhernandez13046@swtjc.edu |
(830) 966-1928
Cruz M. Hernandez
Student Services |
Testing Center Assistant |
cmhernandez182@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2918
David Hernandez
Police Officer |
Campus Police Officer - Uvalde |
dlhernandez30597@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7333
Francisco Hernandez
Maintenance |
Custodian |
fhhernandez@swtjc.edu |
Jose Hernandez
Workforce |
Workforce Training & Development Truck Driving Instructor |
jghernandez47284@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-1220
Juan E. Hernandez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration |
jehernandez19744@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4000
Karina Hernandez
Financial Aid |
Financial Aid Clerk |
kalcorta@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1507
Lizet A. Hernandez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Speech |
lahernandez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Maribel Hernandez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
mhernandez539@swtjc.edu |
Patricia P. Hernandez
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
phernandez15611@swtjc.edu |
Shayla Hernandez
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing Instructor |
shernandez32956@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1581
Bonny Vernor Herndon
Business |
Business Office Technology Instructor |
beherndon@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7237
Abraham Herrera
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Aviation Maintenance |
aherrera53522@swtjc.edu |
Alexya M. Herrera
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Disability Support Services |
amherrera2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4156
Blanca M. Herrera
Administrative Assistant |
Administrative Assistant, Eagle Pass Campus |
bmherrera@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4120
Troy Hibbitts
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
thibbitts@swtjc.edu |
Nancy C. Hill
Arts |
Art Instructor |
nchill13283@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1590
Rachel A. Hinman
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
rahinman@swtjc.edu |
Flor Hinojosa
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Integrated Reading & Writing |
frhinojosa@swtjc.edu |
Gracie A. Hinojosa
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjuct Dual Credit Instructor - Psychology |
gahinojosa@swtjc.edu |
Marisa E. Hinojosa
Coordinator |
Workforce Training & Development Coordinator |
mehinojosa@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4124
Wendy Hinsey-Morgan
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
wghinsey-morgan@swtjc.edu |
Ronald R. Hixson
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
rrhixson@swtjc.edu |
Brenda Hoffman
Vice President |
Vice President, Eagle Pass |
bghoffman@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4111
Ricardo Hoffman
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Government |
rhoffman@swtjc.edu |
Christine N. Houston
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
cnhouston@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243 ext. 1151
Michael Hunter
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
mhunter@swtjc.edu |
(830) 232-5595
Eduardo Hurtado
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
ehurtado@swtjc.edu |
Amanda Rae Ibarra
Student Services |
Full STEaM Ahead Project Manager |
aribarra2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7205
Arturo Ibarra
Maintenance |
Skilled Maintenance |
aibarra7@swtjc.edu |
Faith Ibarra
Director |
TRiO Student Support Services Project Director |
fmibarra@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2906
Omar Iracheta
Director |
Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) Project Director |
oiracheta@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4129
Anthony Jasso
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Business Management / Human Resources Management |
ajasso19917@swtjc.edu |
Mario E. Jimenez
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business |
mejimenez3@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Michael J. Jimenez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Automotive Technology |
mjjimenez2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Randy J. Joers
Maintenance |
Custodian with Skills |
rjjoers@swtjc.edu |
Cullen Jones
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
cjones@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Dr. Robert K. Jones
Government |
Adjunct Instructor - Government |
rkjones@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
John E. Juhasz
Adjunct Instructor - English |
jejuhasz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Kevin W. Kaase
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
kwkaase@swtjc.edu |
Chad Kailipaka
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business |
crkailipaka@swtjc.edu |
Dr. Shaunak Kamat
Biology |
Biology Instructor |
skamat@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7273
Subburaj Kannan
Biology |
Biology Instructor |
skannan@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5076
Joshua King
Communication |
Adjunct Instructor - Speech |
jgking@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Reagan K. King
English |
English Instructor |
rkking@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7335
Megan R. Kirk
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Patient Care Technician (PCT) |
mrkirk@swtjc.edu |
Lisa M. Knapp
Human Services |
Adjunct Instructor - Child Development |
lmknapp@swtjc.edu |
Megan Kunkel
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
makunkel@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Pamela Lamb
History |
Adjunct Instructor - Government/History |
pklamb@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1558
Erica Lara
English |
English Instructor |
elara@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4147
Esmeralda Lara
Maintenance |
Custodian |
eslara@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Gilbert Lara
Maintenance |
Grounds Keeper |
gjlara@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Rosalinda (Rosie) J. Lara
Coordinator |
Student Information Systems Coordinator |
rjlara@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7279
David T. Leary
English |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
dtleary@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
Valarie LeJeune
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding |
vdverstuyft@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
Brandy Michelle Leon
Arts & Sciences |
Speech Non-Tenure Instructor |
bmleon@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1557
Lucas B. Limbrick
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Diesel Technology Instructor |
lblimbrick@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5067
Dr. Roxana Liñan
Division Chair |
Liberal Arts Division Chair |
ralinan@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1589, (830) 591-4064
Micah-James Lindsey
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
mlindsey@swtjc.edu |
Rolando Lira
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing & Associate Degree in Nursing Instructor |
rlira@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1583
Fernando Lombrana
Enterprise Applications |
Enterprise Applications - Database Administrator |
flombrana@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7216
Juan Longoria
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
jalongoria@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2903
Amanda Lopez
Student Services |
Full STEaM Ahead Office Manager |
alopez23860@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2914
Carlos Lopez
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Construction Carpentry Instructor |
clopez51649@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4061
Edward Lopez, Jr.
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
elopez5@swtjc.edu |
Jesus S. Lopez
Information Technology |
Information Technology Service Desk Technician - Eagle Pass |
jslopez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4109
Jose F. Lopez
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Welding Instructor |
jflopeznunez@swtjc.edu |
Luis P. Lopez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
lplopez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 277-1431
Martha Reyna Lopez
Child Development Center Day Care Cook |
mlopez15482@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Melissa Y. Lopez
Payroll |
Payroll / TRS Specialist |
mylopez235@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2948
Miguel Angel Lopez
Technical Studies |
Automotive Technology Instructor |
malopez2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7258
Raul Lopez
Workforce |
Workforce Training & Development Truck Driving Instructor |
rlopez48683@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-1219
Ricardo Lopez
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Construction Carpentry |
rlopez50259@swtjc.edu |
(830) 334-8011 ext. 2115
Roberto Lopez
Workforce |
Workforce Training & Development Truck Driving Instructor |
rlopez20147@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4124
Rosanne S. Lopez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
rslopez43759@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Ronald C. Lowery
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Philosophy |
rclowery@swtjc.edu |
Milton F. Lozano
Academic |
Instructional Technology Smart Classroom Instructional Aide - Del Rio |
mflozano@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1597
Raul Lozano
Academic |
Instructional Technology Smart Classroom Supervisor - Eagle Pass |
rlozano240@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5068
Gerardo Luna
Maintenance |
Maintenance - HVAC Assistant |
gluna@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Jose (Frank) Luna
Nursing |
Patient Care Technology (PCT) Instructor |
jfluna@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7267
Alexandra Magill
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
amagill@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243 ext. 1151
Richard Maglievaz
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
ramaglievaz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Miguel A. Maldonado
Maintenance |
Physical Plant Maintenance Custodian |
mamaldonado@swtjc.edu |
Carol T. Martin
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
ctmartin@swtjc.edu |
(830) 773-2381
Blanca E. Martinez
Finance (Institutional) |
Accounts Payable Specialist |
bemartinez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7339
Britney M. Martinez
Student Services |
Recruitment and Engagement Specialist |
bmartinez5@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4172
Cynthia A. Martinez
Director |
Financial Aid Assistant Director |
camartinez14599@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7242
Daniel Martinez
Maintenance |
Warehouse Receiving Clerk |
dmartinez8@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7268
Daniel R. Martinez
Administrative Assistant |
Student and Community Outreach Assistant |
drmartinez15943@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4070
Duvelsa (Diana) D. Martinez
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
ddmartinez1528@swtjc.edu |
Emma Martinez
Human Services |
Cosmetology Instructor |
emartinez262@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7260
Ezequiel (Zeke) Martinez
Maintenance |
Journeyman Plumber |
emartinez20342@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Ismael Martinez
Public Information |
Social Media/Public Relations Specialist |
imartinez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2942
Jermain Martinez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Automotive Technology |
jrmartinez43863@swtjc.edu |
Jerry Martinez
Police Officer |
Campus Police Officer - Uvalde |
jlmartinez20379@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7333
Jesus (Jesse) J. Martinez
Maintenance |
Maintenance Team Leader |
jjmartinez1060@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7234
Kimberly Ann Martinez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
kamartinez4@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1912
Maria Elena Martinez
Nursing |
Associate Degree in Nursing Instructor |
memartinez36068@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7218
Mia Martinez
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Provider |
mamartinez13@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Dr. Onesimo Martinez II
Social Sciences |
Psychology Instructor |
ommartinezii@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5079
Quelfido Martinez
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
qmartinez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 334-8011 ext. 2214
Reneida Martinez
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
rmartinez16628@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Ricardo Martinez, Jr.
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
rrmartinez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Savanna M. Martinez
Director |
Director of Dual Credit Program / Adjunct Instructor - Education |
smmartinez1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7244
Steve Martinez
Registrar/Admissions |
Registrar |
srmartinez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7280
Michelle Martinez Vera
Student Services |
TRiO Student Support Services Administrative Assistant |
mmartinez45295@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7295
Raymundo Martinez, III
Maintenance |
Groundsman |
rmartinez48867@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Cruz O. Mata
Vice President |
Vice President of Student Services |
comata@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7378
Marcus Mata
Maintenance |
Grounds Keeper |
mrmata55339@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Margot H. Mata
Director |
Senior Director of AEL & Student / Community Engagement |
mhmata@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7223
Rebecca Matthew
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Education |
rmatthew@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Cathy Mauldin
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
camauldin@swtjc.edu |
(830) 757-0828
Luis A. Mauricio
Police Officer |
Campus Police Officer - Eagle Pass |
lamauricio@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4199
Hector E. Mayfield
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business |
hemayfield@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4000
Donald J. McBlain
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Aircraft Mechanics Instructor |
djmcblain@swtjc.edu |
Craig McCaron
Adjunct Instructor |
Dual Credit Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
cmccaron@swtjc.edu |
Karen E. McCarty
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Music |
kemccarty@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
Philip McCraw
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
pmccraw@swtjc.edu |
(830) 663-4417 x. 6548
Jonte C. McCrea
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Physical Education |
jcmccrea@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4424
Billy S. McDonough
Government |
Adjunct Instructor - Government |
bsmcdonough@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Kendall R. McDowell
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Patient Care Technician (PCT) |
krmcdowell@swtjc.edu |
Gretchen McLain
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
gemclain@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Lizet Medrano
Nursing |
Administrative Assistant, Licensed Vocational Nursing - Del Rio |
lmedrano@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1581
Josephine D. Mendez
Maintenance |
Maintenance Custodian |
jdmendez2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Dr. Veronica Mendez Maqueo
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Spanish |
vmendez2@swtjc.edu |
Magda Mendiola
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Education |
mmendiola38268@swtjc.edu |
(830) 876-2497
Brittany N. Mercer
History |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
bnmoore@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Josefita R. Mercer
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
jrmercer@swtjc.edu |
(830) 757-0828
Anastacio Milan
Physical Education |
Adjunct Instructor - Kinesiology |
asmilan@swtjc.edu |
Carol L. Mireles
Physical Education |
Adjunct Instructor - Kinesiology |
clmireles@swtjc.edu |
(830) 719-9804
Yvette Mirelez
Director |
Director of Financial Aid |
yvetteh@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7318
Sarah E. Mitchell
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Humanities |
semitchell@swtjc.edu |
Thomas A. Mitchell
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Airframe Mechanics Instructor |
tmitchell23200@swtjc.edu |
Lauren M. Molina
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instrutor - Patient Care Technology (PCT) |
lrentch@swtjc.edu |
Jesus Molinar
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
jamolinar@swtjc.edu |
Armando Jesus Mondragon
Division Chair |
Applied Sciences Division Chair |
ajmondragon@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4106, (830) 591-7274
Eloy Montalvo
Developmental Mathematics |
Developmental Mathematics Instructor |
emontalvo@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4143
Juliana Monteiro
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
jdmonteiro@swtjc.edu |
Sandra Montes
Learning Framework Instructor |
scmontes@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1598
Crystal Montez
Payroll |
Payroll Clerk |
cbmontez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7373
Dr. Lonnie Moore
Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Philosophy Instructor |
lemoore@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1560
Patsy Moore
History |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Government / History |
pbmoore@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Catarino Morales
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
cmorales32466@swtjc.edu |
Mario A. Morales
Government |
Adjunct Instructor - Government |
mamorales4@swtjc.edu |
Jenifer Moreno
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
jmoreno3462@swtjc.edu |
Sandra Moreno
Office Manager |
smoreno20805@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1594
Lauren L. Morgan
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Medical Assistant (MDCA) |
llmorgan3@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
Cristina V. Morin
Finance (Institutional) |
Business Office Accounts Receivable Clerk |
cmmorin@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7297
Hassen Moses
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding |
hmoses@swtjc.edu |
Paul Wayne Moss, Jr.
Criminal Justice |
Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice |
pwmoss@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300 x2132
Robert A. Moss
Police Officer |
Campus Police Officer - Uvalde |
ramoss@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7333
Jose T. Munoz
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
jtmunoz@swtjc.edu |
Victor Alejandro Munoz
Developmental Mathematics |
Developmental Mathematics Instructor |
vamunoz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4131
Alexandra E. Murphy
Biology |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Biology |
aewaits@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243 ext. 1151
Edwin R. Nava
Coordinator |
Grounds Maintenance Coordinator |
ernava@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Erick Navarro
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding |
enavarro@swtjc.edu |
Lee Neel
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business |
lrneel@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Razvan Nes
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Physics |
rnes@swtjc.edu |
Jaime Nevarez
Director |
TRiO Upward Bound Project Director |
jnevarez2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7329
Ana L. Oca
Financial Aid |
Financial Aid Advisor |
ana.oca@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4116
Raul Ochoa, Jr.
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Business Office Technology |
rochoa52761@swtjc.edu |
Denise D. Oden
Enterprise Applications |
Enterprise Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Coordinator |
ddoden@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7355
David Olivarez
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
dolivarez17413@swtjc.edu |
Jeffrey W. Oliver
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Philosophy |
jwoliver2@swtjc.edu |
Cornelio Ontiveros
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
cfontiveros@swtjc.edu |
(830) 365-4007
Abel A. Ortiz
Arts |
Art Associate Professor |
aaortiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7303
Albert Ortiz
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Computer Information Systems |
aeortiz2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4400
Christopher R. Ortiz
Information Technology |
Information Technology Service Desk Technician - Del Rio |
crortiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1585
Jaclyn Ortiz
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
jmortiz4596@swtjc.edu |
LaSabra Ortiz
Success Coach |
Success Coach |
ldortiz1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7352
Michael Ortiz
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Physics |
mortiz6@swtjc.edu |
Rebecca L. Ortiz
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
rlortiz2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4424 Ext. 2412
Rosalinda Ortiz
Communication |
Adjunct Instructor - Speech |
rortiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 876-9393 ext. 4019
Joshua Douglass Overfelt
History |
History Instructor |
jdoverfelt@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1569
Julie Ann Pace-Monsivais
Librarian |
Librarian II - Eagle Pass |
jamonsivais1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4512
April L. Page
Allied Health and Human Services |
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Instructor |
alpage@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7266
Kirk M. Palermo
Maintenance |
Facilities Superintendent |
kmpalermo@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7350
Frankie Norris Pannell
Director |
Director of Information Technology - Operations & Infrastructure |
fnpannell@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7259
Aracely Perez
Adult Education & Literacy |
Adult Education & Literacy Regional Assessor / Career Navigator |
aperez1061@swtjc.edu |
(830) 752-1761
Carrie F. Perez
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Caregiver |
cfperez47329@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Cristian Perez
Student Services |
TRiO Student Support Services Project Coordinator |
cperez30391@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7253
Jose A. Perez
Government |
Government Instructor |
japerez543@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4149
Luis Manuel Perez
Business |
Computer Information Systems Instructor |
lmperez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4136
Raul E. Perez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology Lab Instructor |
reperez2@swtjc.edu |
Ricardo Perez
Maintenance |
Maintenance |
rperez5@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4060
Velma Perez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Medical Assistant (MDCA) |
vperez5@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Andres G. Perez, Jr.
Maintenance |
Custodian |
agperez43383@swtjc.edu |
Lindsey Perritano
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Chemistry |
lperritano@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Megan Sue Perry
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
msperry@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Christina Phinney
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
cphinney@swtjc.edu |
Michael Pineda
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
mpineda@swtjc.edu |
Karla Pohl
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
kpohl@swtjc.edu |
Martha Ponce
Government |
Adjunct Instructor - Government |
magomez@swtjc.edu |
Oscar Ponce
Maintenance |
Skilled Custodian / Maintenance |
omponce@swtjc.edu |
Jack E. Proctor
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Emergency Medical Techician |
jeproctor@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Darlene D. Quintero
English |
English Instructor |
ddquintero@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1578
Sylvia Patricia Quintero
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Care Giver |
spquintero@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Karen Lynn Quiroz
English |
English Instructor |
klquiroz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 584-7028
Alyssa Quiz
Social Sciences |
Psychology Instructor |
arquiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1502
Gerald Radicke
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
gdradicke@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Shareef Rahaman
Student Services |
TRiO Student Support Services Academic Advisor |
srahaman@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7240
Anahi Ramirez
Coordinator |
Coordinator of Dual Credit Program |
aramirez11@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7321
Francisco Ramirez, III
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
framirez21253@swtjc.edu |
Franco (Francisco) Ramirez
Physical Education |
Adjunct Instructor - Kinesiology |
faramirez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 374-2828
Jesus E. Ramirez
Transportation |
Transportation Motor Pool Assistant |
jeramirez2@swtjc.edu |
Joe Frank Ramirez
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Adjunct Instructor - Aviation Maintenance Technology |
jramirez17@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Rogelio Ramirez
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
reramirez3935@swtjc.edu |
Angelina A. Ramon
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Administrative Information Technology |
aaramon2@swtjc.edu |
Sydia S. Ramon
Adult Education & Literacy |
Adult Education & Literacy Regional Assessor / Career Navigator |
ssramon@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1586
Maria (Lupe) Guadalupe Rangel
Clerk/Cashier |
Workforce Training & Development Office Clerk |
mgrangel1062@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4125
Javier Rangel, Jr.
Life Safety and Security Aide |
jrangel@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7215
Juanita (Nita) Reed
Administrative Assistant |
Executive Assistant, Office of the President |
jreed@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7282
Casi L. Rekieta
Communication |
Adjunct Instructor - Communications/Speech |
clrekieta@swtjc.edu |
Cynthia Alonso Rendon
Specialist |
Admissions Specialist - Enrollment Retention Management |
carendon@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7245
Ruben Resendez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Aviation Maintenance Technology |
rresendez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4368
Mary Jo Rico
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
mrico@swtjc.edu |
(830) 773-2381
Andre F. Riojas
Technical Studies |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration |
afcruz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Carlos H. Rios
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Education |
chrios@swtjc.edu |
Priscilla A. Rios
Allied Health and Human Services |
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Instructor |
parios@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4065
Talia Risinger
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Patient Care Technician (PCT) |
trisinger@swtjc.edu |
Kasey J. Ristow
Arts |
Adjunct Instructor - Music |
kristow@swtjc.edu |
Hector F. Rivera
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Computer Science Instructor |
hfrivera@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1595
Kyle L. Roberts
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
klroberts43919@swtjc.edu |
(830) 426-3341
Daniela M. Rocha
Student Services |
TRiO Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) Education Specialist |
dmrocha@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1506
Yolanda Rocha
Clerk/Cashier |
Teller / Receiptionist |
yrocha@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1550
Josephine Rodrigues
Government |
Government Instructor |
jrodrigues@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4153
Aaron Rodriguez
Government |
Adjunct Instructor - Government |
adrodriguez17441@swtjc.edu |
Ana Isabel Rodriguez
Nursing |
Patient Care Technician (PCT) Instructor |
aicoronado@swtjc.edu |
Carlos D. Rodriguez
Adjunct Instructor |
Engineering Instructor |
cdrodriguez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1599
Carlos A. Rodriguez
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
carodriguez24453@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
Diana A. Rodriguez
English |
English Instructor |
darodriguez2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4135
Diana P. Rodriguez
Adult Education & Literacy |
Adult Education & Literacy Instruction and Curriculum Lead |
dmperez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 278-4391
Juana H. Rodriguez
History |
History Instructor |
jrodriguez21687@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4105
Librado Rodriguez
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Diesel Technology Instructor |
lrrodriguez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-5075
Nobert Rodriguez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
nrodriguez14236@swtjc.edu |
Rebekah E. Rodriguez
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
rerodriguez2@swtjc.edu |
Reynaldo Rodriguez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
rrodriguez40348@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1912
Richard Rodriguez
Maintenance |
Maintenance |
rrodriguez24508@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Rosa Rodriguez
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Caregiver |
rmrodriguez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Rosa (Rosy) E. Rodriguez
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Transfer and Career Lead |
rearellano@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7287
Raquel G. Roiz
Integrated Reading and Writing |
Adjunct Instructor - Integrated Reading & Writing |
rgroiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 374-3378
Carmen Alicia Rojas
Librarian |
Librarian I - Del Rio |
carojas1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1592
Velma Roman
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Caregiver |
vroman@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Eliana P. Romero
Biology |
Biology Instructor |
epromero@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7304
Marites Romero
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
mromero1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 773-2381
Clarissa A. Romo
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
caromo@swtjc.edu |
(830) 277-1432
Jesus Rosales
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Aviation Maintenance |
jrosales5@swtjc.edu |
Richard Ruble
Maintenance |
Grounds Keeper |
rruble@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Casimir A. Rudziewicz
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Construction Carpentry |
carudziewicz@swtjc.edu |
April S. Ruhmann
Dean |
Dean of Applied Sciences and Liberal Arts |
asruhmann@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2920
Aracely Ruiz
Administrative Assistant |
Executive Assistant, Vice President of Academic Affairs |
aruiz1065@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7283
Gabriela Ruiz
Student Services |
Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) Outreach Specialist |
gruiz1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4170
Luis F Ruiz
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Continuing Technical Education (CTE) Specialist |
lfruiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7277
Manuel Ruiz
Information Technology |
Information Technology Lead Network Engineer & Telecommunications |
mruiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7227
Maria (Rosy) D. Ruiz
Maintenance |
Custodian |
mdruiz49463@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Sandra Ruiz
Administrative Assistant |
Administrative Assistant, Registrar and Admissions Office |
sruiz1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4145
Antonio V. Ruiz, Jr.
Technical Studies |
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Instructor |
avruiz@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7209
Samuel V. Rush
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Aviation Maintenance |
svrush@swtjc.edu |
Rachel Sahagun
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Speech |
rsahagun@swtjc.edu |
Dr. Mark S. Saka
Government |
Adjunct Instructor - Government |
mssaka@swtjc.edu |
Peter A. Salazar
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing Instructor |
pasalazar@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4155
Ramiro Salazar
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Cybersecurity |
rvsalazar35725@swtjc.edu |
Alejandro Salinas
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Aviation Maintenance Instructor |
asalinas49536@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7341
Patricia Salinas
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
pasalinas@swtjc.edu |
(830) 776-8408
Salvador Salinas
Maintenance |
Maintenance Worker |
ssalinas1816@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Albino Salinas, Jr.
Director |
Director of Buildings and Grounds |
agsalinas1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7229
Cesar San Miguel
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
csanmiguel3@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Dr. Cheryl L. Sanchez
Developmental Studies and Education |
EDUC Instructor |
clsanchez547@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7202
Christy Ann Sanchez
History |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - History |
casanchez50811@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4424
Damacio Sanchez
Coordinator |
Coordinator of Dual Credit Program |
dsanchez22065@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4198
David Alonzo Sanchez
Coordinator |
Safety Security Coordinator |
dasanchez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4050
Jesse B. Sanchez
Workforce |
Workforce Training & Development Powerline Technician Instructor |
jbsanchez22095@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4124
Jo Ann Sanchez
Maintenance |
Custodian - Head |
jsanchez1817@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7293
Juanita G. Sanchez
Human Services |
Nutrition and Diet Therapy Instructor |
jgsanchez17374@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7228
Kristel S. Sanchez
Director |
Workforce Training & Development Director |
skgsanchez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4124
Melissa R. Sanchez
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing Instructor |
mrsanchez1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1596
Ramon (Steve) Sanchez
Arts |
Music Instructor |
rssanchez3@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7247
Virginia Sanchez
Integrated Reading and Writing |
Adjunct Instructor - Reading & Writing |
vsanchez13539@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1558
Claudia A. Sanderlin
Social Sciences |
Sociology Assistant Professor |
casanderlin@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7308
Michael (Derek) Sandoval
Vice President |
Vice President, Administrative Services |
mdsandoval@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7372
Juan Antonio Sandoval, Jr.
Student Services |
TRiO Upward Bound Project Advisor |
jfsandoval@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950 ext. 6195
Glafiro H. Santellanes, Jr.
Criminal Justice |
Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice |
gsantellanes@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Alfonso Santos
Maintenance |
General Maintenance - Building |
asantos1818@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Amanda L. Santos
Strategic Innovation & Research |
Reporting Technician, Strategic Innovation & Research |
asantos6059@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7324
Cody Santos
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
crsantos@swtjc.edu |
Juanita H. Santos
Finance (Institutional) |
Head Cashier / SmartCard Administrator |
jsantos22207@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7317
Linda Ann Santos
Integrated Reading and Writing |
Adjunct Instructor - Reading & Writing |
lasantos@swtjc.edu |
Jeanette R. Saucedo
Administrative Assistant |
Executive Assistant, Vice President of Administrative Services |
jrsaucedo3870@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4179
Desiree Schanding
Arts |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Art |
drschanding@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243
Stephen Schomber
Mathematics |
Math Instructor |
sjschomber@swtjc.edu |
Wayne R. Schroeder
Physical Education |
Adjunct Instructor - Physical Education |
wrschroeder@swtjc.edu |
Roseanna Schwab
Human Services |
Adjunct Instructor - Cosmetology |
rmschwab@swtjc.edu |
Elizabeth Segura
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
easegura@swtjc.edu |
(830) 334-8011
Carolina V. Serna
Mathematics |
Mathematics Instructor |
cvserna@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7213
Derek R. Serrano
Library |
Library Acquisition Technician - Uvalde |
drserrano@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7302
Kamel M. Shrek
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business |
kmshrek@swtjc.edu |
(830) 334-8011
Maria D. Sigley
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Business Management / Business |
mdsigley@swtjc.edu |
Concepcion (Connie) Silva
Financial Aid |
Financial Aid Advisor |
csilva@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4162
Ysenia M. Silva
Director |
Senior Director of Student Success Services |
ymsilva@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7376
Erik A. Smith
History |
History Instructor |
easmith1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4130
Debra L. Solis
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
dlsolis@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814 ext. 3002
Joshua Dale Stacey
Physical Education |
Adjunct Instructor - Physical Education |
jdstacey@swtjc.edu |
Justin Stephens
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
jstephens1@swtjc.edu |
Dane Stocks
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Philosophy |
dstocks@swtjc.edu |
Scott C. Storm
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
scstorm@swtjc.edu |
Audrey Sturdevant
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Disability Support Services |
amsturdevant@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2908
Jesus R. Suarez, Jr.
Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice Instructor |
jrsuarez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7364
Kimberly Suaste
Administrative Assistant |
Administrative Assistant, Patient Care Technology (PCT) |
kasuaste@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4066
Modesta P. Summers
Nursing |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Patient Care Technician (PCT) |
mpsummers@swtjc.edu |
Dawna Sutton
Arts |
Adjunct Instructor - Art |
dsutton@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Marsha Symons
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Mathematics |
msymons@swtjc.edu |
Cesar Talamantes
Workforce |
Workforce Training & Development Truck Driving Lead Instructor |
ctalamantes@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-1218
Jennifer Talamantes
Administrative Assistant |
Administrative Assistant, Workforce Training & Development |
jtalamantes1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4124
Criselda Tapia
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Physical Education |
cmtapia@swtjc.edu |
Noel Tarango
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Mathematics |
nrtarango@swtjc.edu |
Marylee Taylor
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Business Management |
mltaylor@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Mary Terry
Arts |
Adjunct Instructor - Art |
mmterry@swtjc.edu |
(830) 334-8011 ext. 2241
Brent Thompson
Information Technology |
Information Security Officer (ISO) |
bbthompson@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7299
Daniel Tidwell
Agriculture |
WIldlife Management Instructor |
djtidwell@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7327
Edson J. Timana
Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Economics |
ejtimana@swtjc.edu |
Marisa Tobias
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
mtobias@swtjc.edu |
(830) 876-9393
Fernando Torres
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Education |
ftorres2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Roy P. Torres
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Administrative Information Technology |
rptorres@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2950
Sonia Tovar
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing Instructor |
sptovar@swtjc.edu |
Mary Ann G. Towne
History |
Government/History Instructor |
matowne@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7328
Tod Townsend
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
tatownsend@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Roland Trevino
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice |
rtrevino22466@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4300
Meredith S. Tschirhart
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
mstschirhart@swtjc.edu |
Diane E. Underwood
Business |
Computer Science Professor |
deunderwood@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4140
Dr. Mark Eads Underwood
Vice President |
Vice President, Academic Affairs |
meunderwood@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7286
Dr. Martin Guevara Urbina
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Sociology |
mgurbina@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1558
Sandra Uriegas
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Reading & Writing |
scuriegas@swtjc.edu |
(830) 374-3378
Vanessa G. Uriegas
Developmental Studies and Education |
Developmental English Instructor |
vguriegas@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7298
Justin W. Urrabazo
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Welding |
jwurrabazo@swtjc.edu |
Claudia Valdez
Success Coach |
Success Coach / Holistic Advising Lead |
claudiav@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4126
Dakota I. Valdez
Academic |
Instructional Technology - Smart Classroom Technical Supervisor |
divaldez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7261
Lauren Valdez
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
lvaldez3@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4421
Leopoldo Valdez, Jr.
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Welding Instructor - Uvalde |
lvaldez14448@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2903
Raul D. Valdez, Jr.
Nursing |
Simulation Coordinator |
rdvaldez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7316
Carlos Valenzuela
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration |
cfvalenzuela@swtjc.edu |
Evelio Valiente, Jr.
Library |
Library Resource Technician - Del Rio |
evaliente17474@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1563
Virginia V. Valle
Nursing |
Licensed Vocational Nursing Instructor |
vvvalle@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7332
Denise L. Vanderlick
Nursing |
Radiologic Technology Clinical Coordinator/Instructor |
dlvanderlick@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2912
Daniel T. Vargas
Technical Studies |
Automotive Technology Instructor |
dtvargas@swtjc.edu |
Jacqueline Vasquez
Library |
Library Resource Technician - Eagle Pass |
jvasquez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4118
James L. Vasquez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
jlvasquez41041@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Rae Ann Vasquez
English |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
rvasquez1@swtjc.edu |
(830) 334-8001
Rosa H. Vasquez
Adult Education & Literacy |
Adult Education & Literacy Regional Assessor / Career Navigator |
rhvasquez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 752-1761
Valeria M. Vazquez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Education |
vmvazquez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 778-4421
Derek Veazey
Biology |
Biology Instructor |
dveazey@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1591
Danielle M. Velasquez
Child Development Center Day Care Teacher/Provider |
dmvelasquez@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2590
Maria E. Velasquez
Maintenance |
Custodian |
mevelasquez53521@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Nelly Velasquez
Student Services |
TRiO Student Support Services Academic Advisor |
nalcantar@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2944
Vanessa Verjan
Payroll |
Payroll Officer |
vverjan@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7291
Brett Vernor
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Business Office Technology |
bvernor@swtjc.edu |
(830) 234-3514
Luis Vielma
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
lhvielma@swtjc.edu |
Jose O. Villarreal
Arts |
Adjunct Instructor - Art |
jovillarreal@swtjc.edu |
Maria Lourdes Villarreal
Financial Aid |
Financial Aid Clerk |
m.villarreal@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4117
Vannessa Villarreal
Coordinator |
Carl Perkins Coordinator / Administrative Assistant to the Dean |
vvillarreal26760@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2926
Pamela Villegas
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
pvillegas@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-6139
Jami D. Watts
English |
English & Humanities Instructor |
jdwatts@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7375
Michelle Whalen
Agriculture |
Adjunct Instructor - Agriculture |
mnwhalen@swtjc.edu |
Joseph E. Wheeler
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration |
jewheeler@swtjc.edu |
Brandy White
English |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - English |
blwhite2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 931-2243 Ext. 1151
Dr. Dean Wiemers
Agriculture |
WIldlife Management Instructor |
dwwiemers@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7204
Janie A. Williams
Business |
Adjunct Instructor - Computer Science |
jawilliams2@swtjc.edu |
Veronica C. Williams
Communication |
Speech Instructor |
vcastro@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4146
Emily Willis
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Kinesiology |
edwillis@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Edward Todd Winkler
History |
Adjunct Instructor - History |
etwinkler@swtjc.edu |
(830) 965-1814
Samuel Yanez
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Welding |
syanez2@swtjc.edu |
(830) 879-2374
Albert Ybarra
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Welding Instructor - Uvalde |
aybarra@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7231
Isabel Ybarra
Financial Aid |
Financial Aid Advisor |
miybarra@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7275
Juan Paulo Ybarra
Maintenance |
Grounds |
jpybarra@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Dr. Kevin V. Young
Biology |
Adjunct Instructor - Biology |
kvyoung@swtjc.edu |
Robert E. Zaiglin
Agriculture |
Wildlife Management Assistant Professor |
rezaiglin@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4160
Jacob H. Zamarripa
Maintenance |
Maintenance Grounds Keeper |
jhzamarripa@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7203
Teresa (Teri) H. Zamarripa
Criminal Justice |
Office Manager, Law Enforcement Academy |
thzamarripa@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-4158
Ruben Zambrano
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor - Aviation Maintenance |
rzambrano2@swtjc.edu |
Socorro Zambrano
English |
Adjunct Instructor - English |
stzambrano@swtjc.edu |
Emmanuel Zamora
Criminal Justice |
Law Enforcement Academy Instructor |
ezamora@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7348
Krystal A. Zamora
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Dual Credit Instructor - Physical Education |
kazamora@swtjc.edu |
(830) 876-9393
Evaristo Zapata
Social Sciences |
Adjunct Instructor - Economics |
ezapata@swtjc.edu |
(830) 968-9791
Katherine Ellen Zaske Merenda
Nursing |
Associate Degree in Nursing Instructor |
kezaskemerenda@swtjc.edu |
(830) 703-1508
Jose Zavala, Jr.
Business, Industrial, and Technical Studies |
Welding Instructor - Eagle Pass |
jjzavala@swtjc.edu |
(830) 758-4176
Rick Zeedyk
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
rlzeedyk@swtjc.edu |
Barry W. Zimmerman
Financial Aid |
Financial Aid Advisor |
bwzimmerman@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7272
Mallory Zimmerman
Mathematics |
Adjunct Instructor - Mathematics |
mzimmerman@swtjc.edu |
(830) 934-2176
Dr. Renée T. Zimmerman
Director |
Director of Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) / Professional Development Officer / Adjunct Instructor - Psychology |
rtzimmerman@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-7326
Dr. Sandra Zuniga Garza
Director |
Director of Strategic Innovation & Research |
szgarza@swtjc.edu |
(830) 591-2933
Celia Zuniga-Barrera
Adjunct Instructor - Developmental Reading & Writing |
crzuniga-barrera@swtjc.edu |